Cal Ripken Photos Coming Soon

Most of these photos were taken at old Memorial Stadium, where I broke into major league photography back in the mid 1980s. It was the heydays of a young Cal Ripken and Eddie Murray, both future Hall of Frames, who typically dominated my lens most every game.

I have over 100 different good Cal shots from this period, only 16 of which are published in this web page. They are new and refreshing photos, not widely seen a thousand times in every different journal.

Cal Ripken 6

I love the photo of Cal in the ready position at shortstop with the “We Love Cal” banner hanging in the background off the centerfield bleachers. Also, I love the photo of Cal intently listening to his father’s lecture.

The photo of the high -5 handshake at home plate between Cal who had just hit a homerun, and Eddie Murray, with Jack Dwyer waiting in the background and Ernie
Tyler walking in the foreground is memorable.

And in closing, I like the silhouette shot of Cal and Eddie – if I went on I would find another 100 favorites because invariably, the last one I am looking at becomes my favorite at that moment. I’ve enjoyed my photography through the years and each of these photos many times makes me recall a fond moment. They may be considered the history of my life and the reflection of my own childhood dream to be a major leaguer myself.


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