Season 2013 In Review, Part 11. Dave Machemer, Richmond Flying Squirrels
I can’t let a season go by without seeing my favorite manager of all time,Dave Machemer, who in 2013 was at the helm of the San Francisco Giants, AA-Eastern League, Richmond Flying Squirrels.It took me until July 11th this season, but finally I caught up to my oldbuddy at Bowie, MD. I first met Mr. Machemer back in 1986 at the oldStockton CA stadium, where he was managing the Milwaukee Brewers Fast A –Stockton Ports to a California State League Championship.In the past 28 seasons since, I have seen Dave at least once a season, andmany seasons more times, helping him to weather the phenomenal 1,604 winsof his minor league managerial career.At Bowie this season, I had fun showing his young ball players an old postcardHOF photographer JD McCarthy took of him in 1978 at old Tiger Stadium whenhe played for the Detroit Tigers. The players couldn’t believe that Dave hadso much curley hair sticking out from beneath his cap in his younger days.I also gave him a reprint Bowman baseball card of old Satchel Paige, whomhe has admired since he met the old HOF RHP back in Kansas City many yearsago.With over thirty years as a manager and a player in the minors and thewin-lost record he has under his belt, let’s hope the Giants or some othermajor league team gives this man a chance to coach or manage in the majors.I’d sure love to terrorize him next time I see him at at the NationalsStadium or somewhere else in the Show, which is exactly where he deservesto be.