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Ich Dachte, Dass Ich in die Schwarzwald Waere

Von Rodger M. Wood



Im Juni, fuhren meine Frau Joanne und ich nach Helen, Georgia, wer alle ist so Deutsch. Wir wanderten in die Berge, aBen Deutsch Essen und trinken deutsche Bier, sprachen Deutsch mit vielen Leute, und swamen in die Chatahoochee FluBe. Sein im Helen war, wie im Schwarzwald sein. Nestled by the Chattahoochee River in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains of Northwest Georgia, with its old world towers, the Alpine village of Helen resembled, ein Dorf im FuBe von Schwarzwald.” I believe you can close your eyes there and easily believe you are in Oensbach, the birth village of our third great grandfather Fidel Herr. I ate sauberbraten, and drank liters of good German wheat beer the four days I was there. I ordered my food and talked to the proprietors in German at the Hofbrau Haus, and Bavarian Inn. Joanne and I hiked the nearby Smith Creek Trail in Unicoi State Park, viewed Anna Ruby Falls and stuck our toes in the refreshing waters of the Chattahoochee River as we watched the many tubers cascade down the rain swollen river. On the way to Helen, we stopped at Zebulon, NC to take some photographs at a AA- Southern League Mississippi Braves/Carolina Mud Cats ball game. Prior to the game, Carolina RHP Matt Klinker talked and posed with the young Fayettesville Police Boys Club players. We took a day trip to photograph the festivities at the SALLY League All Star game in Greenville, S.C.. With its 30-foot high Green Monster in left field, Pesky Pole in right field, same dimensions all around the outfield, and manual scoreboard, Greenville Fluor Field is a close replica of Boston Fenway Park. On the way there, we stopped at the Clemson University campus, which housed the manorial home of mid -19th century southern statesman, John Calhoun, and an awesome football stadium, which opponents compare to “death valley ” when playing there. As usual, I bought a Clemson baseball cap and football jersey at the school book store to show off to my sons at family gatherings. From Helen, we drove 90 miles southwest to Stone Mountain, GA , where we rode a railroad around the park, cruised on an amphibious “duck” around a lake, toured the Dudley Plantation House and viewed a spectacular laser show shown on the granite memorial to Confederate heroes, Robert E. Lee, Jefferson Davis, and Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson majestically hovering high above us. On the way home, we stopped in Myrtle Beach, S.C. to see our old friend “Wild Bill” Mathews, who lost his dear wife Dee in November, 2009. While there, we ate a great sea food dinner at a Calabash, N.C. and the next night, a chicken dinner, while entertained by a lively Dixie Stampede at Dolly Parton’s show place. Just past Richmond, VA, we stopped at Guinea Station to tour the Fairfield Plantation house where General Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson died May 10, 1863, concluding a nice sojourn into our German American heritage while earning some money with my sports photography.

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Our Cousin Won HR Derby!

By Rodger M. Wood


While on assignment at the Eastern League All Star Game in Harrisburg, PA last week, I was surprised to read on the video screen the high school hitter at the plate in the HR Derby was “Kolbe Herr.”Knowing he was representing Lower Dauphin HS in Hummelstown, PA, which is nearby Lancaster,home site of the Mennonite elder, Hans Herr, who migrated to the new world about 1719,I sought him out to congratulate for winning the HR derby as well as find out more about his Herr ancestry.


Kolbe knew his extended Herr family was large at family gatherings, but typical of an 18 – year ball player, not too much about his roots, or Hans Herr’s homestead was still standing in Lancaster or if he was related to Lancaster, PA , St Louis Cardinals 2B of the 1980s, Tommy Herr. Understandably, he was at an age when those things were not too important.Not wanting to spoil the joy of his triumph that day, I dropped the genealogy to tell him I was also a photographer for Baseball America who would be forwarding his photos on to that magazine for publication consideration.


Kolbe will be entering junior college in September, and is a fine clean cut young man, who will well represent the Pennsylvania Herr Family now and down the road.

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Rodger Saves Little Red Riding Hood

In the German Polygot Performance of Bruder Grimm’s “Rotsklappchen” (Little Red Riding Hood) April 5, 2010 at George Mason Harris Theatre, Rodger playing the Jager (Hunter) arrived just in time to save Little Red Riding Hood from the jaws of the BigBad Wolf.Click here to see clips from all the performances.6:55 German show (8 minutes; supervised by Dr. Francien Markx): Grimm's fairy tales read and acted out in German. See the video. Windows Media Player required.Click in this link to view the 2009 Polyglot presentation.

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37" Snow Blizzards Hits Sterling VA and Washington Metropolitan Area

By Rodger M. Wood

Snow blanketed the Sterling VA area, where I live, and  the Washington Metropolitan Area, in bursts of 24 and 13 inches on Friday, February 5rh, and Tuesday February 9th.

We just dug ourselves out from the first burst, only to be snowed in the house for another four fays by the second burst.

The snow plow came through today, and I’ll shovel the driveway near the road end, but I’ll have to see a few cars driving by the house  before I venture out again, and I am a seasoned Detroit winter driver who should be used to all this snow.

During my 29 years of residency, I can’t recall Detroit ever being this bad. Fortunately for us, our power did not go out, and we had plenty of food in the ice box.

Things could have been worst and the sun is shining today. Maybe it’ll be floods from the snow melting next!.

Whatever is meant to be, will be. Oder welches Gòtt machte, konnte Männer nicht ändern.

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Keine Flaschen Mehr Abfüllen in Fabriken

Von Rodger M. Wood

Detroit war eine Stadt von Tag und Nacht, als ich als Junge da gewohnt habe.

Die rauchigen Laute von den Autofabriken begannen bei der Morgendämmerung jeden

Morgen zu brüllen, während die bunten Vögel ihre Lieder sangen. Das Brüllen von

Polizeiautos und Krankenwagen schienen zu derselben Stunde zu anhalten.

Als Junge konnte ich mit meinem Fahrrad zum grünen Rougepark fahren, und so tat

ich wie wenn ich Henry Thoreau beim Waldenpark vorzugeben. Ich träumte gern da

unter den höher Eichen im Schatten. Ich mochte auch gern dort ,,Mumbley Peg” mit

meinen Freunde spielen, und mein Picknick essen, während die würdevollen

Riesen unseren Spaß überblickten.

Dann verbesserte die Autosherstellung sich. Die Leute fuhren überall hin, statt zu

ihrem Reiseziel zu spazieren. Pferdgekeuchte Wagen fuhren manchmal auf unserer

Straße am Wochenende, wie sie aus ihrem Schlaf aufzuwachen. Viele lachende Kinder

spazierten zur Schule, während des kalten Winters und heißen Sommers, aber

überfürsorgliche Eltern fuhren gelegentlich sie hin.

Als ich an der Universität teilnahm, verlockte die Coca Cola Fabrik mich im

Sommer für sie mit ihrem grünen Geld zu arbeiten.  Passanten konnten durch die große

Fabrikfenster die tausenden leeren vorbeigehenden Flaschen in der Aufräumemaschine

sehen und in noch einer Maschine, die sie mit dunkler Flüssigkeit füllte und an ihnen

metallische Flaschenverschlüsse stellte.

Ich  habe bei ihren Lastwagen mit hölzernen Kasten von ,,Coca Cola” Flaschen

geladen. Ich räumte auch jeden Tag die Toiletten auf.  Es war eine widerliche

Arbeit, aber ich arbeitete drei Sommer da, diesen Job zu machen. Als die Detroits

Universität mir im September ein Zeichen gab, war ich sehr fertig,, auf Wiedersehen”

bei Herrn Technologie zu sagen, und ,,Guten Tag” bei Frau Universität. Ich glaubte, wenn

ich mit den Händen bei der  Fabrik arbeiten mußte, dass ich viele ernsthoften Ärger

während meines Lebens haben würde.  Ich brauchte statt dessen mit meinem Gehirn zu

arbeiten. Ich schätzte besser meinen Unterricht.

Nach der Universität, begann ich im Personalbüro einer großen Kriegswaffenfabrik zu

arbeiten. Ich stellte Arbeiter an die große schwarze Behälter herstellten. Ich mag nicht

gern die Idee von meiner Teilnahme in der Herstellung der Kriegsmaschine. Als Folge

ging ich wieder an die Universität zurück, um für einen MPA zu studieren.

Ich wandte viele Abende am Ufer des gewundenen blauen Detroits Fluss auf, an

mein Schicksal zu denken. Ich glaubte, dass alle Leute auf einer Linie auf einer

Wäscheleine waren, die vom Haus bei der Garage floss. Wir konnten wenig nach links

und nach rechts und Vorwärts und Rückwärts laufen, wie die Wäscheleine erlaubte,

aber nicht weg aus unserer vorherbestimmten natürlichen Kategorie.  Wie die Sonne

jeden Morgen im Osten aufgehen wird, und jeden Abend im Westen untergehen wird, s

werden unsere Leben verlaufen. Wir können nur unser Schicksal wählen.  Alle uns


Gedanken, Wörter und Taten waren ein Teil einer magischen Reihenfolge, die nicht

geändert werden kann.

Viele Jahre später danke ich meinem Gott, dass er mich aus dieser alten Coca Cola

Fabrik an der Warrenstraße wegnahm. Mein Schicksal war mir wohl gesinnt.

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A Nostalgic Trip Back Home

September 17 - October 14, 2009

By Rodger M. Wood

My recent trips back home for my 1959 Catholic Central High School class reunion and cousin Karin Copenhaver wedding took me to places and people I hadn’t seen in over forty years.

The photo folders, “Catholic Central Class Reunion” and “My Trip Back Home” picture some of my fond memories  from these trips.

I wrote about the reunion trip in another article so here, I’ll write about my visit with my dad’s family at Karin’s wedding, a trip to the old Gilchrist neighborhood, old St. Mary Church in downtown Detroit, Belle Isle, and the great visit I had with my Uncle Harold Herr three sons, David, Charles, and Jimmie Herr and their families.

The photo folder starts with a good panorama view of Detroit, where I proudly lived from November, 1940 to November 15, 1969.

My first twenty -three years I lived in the house at 15800 Gilchrist. Many a day I sat on the side porch steps of that house and the front curb, with my young buddies, Ted and Gary Walton, David Ross, Mike Moriarty, yes the actor, worrying about the Russians, and fantasizing about playing baseball for the Detroit Tigers, We passed many a youthful moment discussing heavy duty topics during a time when the world  turned out to be very calm and peaceful.

My friends and I spent many a hot summer days playing baseball on the four corners of Gilchrist and Pilgrim, 500 Flies and Grounders and football in the street, and on the lawn, our favorite game, Mumbly Peg, which required we performed various tasks successfully with pocket knife to win the game.. .

With Dad’s help about May, 1950, my brothers and I planted the saplings, which grew into the three big Elm trees that now tower on the Pilgrim side of my old house.

Looking at the house from Gilchrist, the upper window  on the right was my brothers and my bedroom window, and on the left, my parents. Many a hot Indian summer night (in those days houses were not air conditioned), I can remember falling a sleep to the sounds of the trains, and police and fire sirens.

The train sounds resounding through the open window in the quiet of night  were comforting but the police and fire sirens always disturbed me, particularly when my parents were out for the evening.

Once, I can remember huddling down in our bedroom with my mother, who told me to keep quiet so our 80+ Aunt Louise ringing the doorbell downstairs on the side porch underneath the window, would not know we were home. Aunt Louise was a supposed older friend of my Grandmother Zazi, who I suspect now was actually my great aunt in spite of my mother’s insistence that she was not related.

In the winters, as a small boy, probably about 4 or 5, I often sat in the bays of the two first floor front windows watching the snow come down, wondering if it would ever stop, and if we were going to be snowed in the house for awhile.

I used to crawl through the milk shoot at the right side front side into the kitchen of my old house after school when my mother accidentally locked me out or I forget my house key.

Across Pilgrim Avenue, Teddy and Gary Walton’s  house at 15790 Gilchrist, Mike Moriarty’s house at 15784 Gilchrist, David Ross’s house at 15785 Gilchrist, next to Linda and Kenny Large big corner house

were my haunts. I used to stand at their side door and call them out to play or walk to Isaac Crary School.

Up to age six and I started school, Teddy, Gary, Mike, David, and Linda were my only world. I played, and went places with them most every day.

As a five year old visitor to the Christian Scientist Church on Grand River and Outer Drive, I was told to go upstairs to the balcony away from my little friends, Teddy and Gary Walton by a bible class teacher, who objected to my presence there when I told him proudly, “I was a Roman Catholic.” That act of discrimination stuck in my mind my entire life. Dr. Walton was so upset my treatment that day, he never returned to that church again.

15703 Biltmore was the home of my buddy Jack Cross, with whom, Doug Merrick, and I palled around a lot in the upper left front side den of the house. We played poker, drank our first coffee, and smoked  our first cigarettes in a trailer back behind the house by the garage. Jack’s mother Esther used to treat us to an a delicious spaghetti dinner on Saturday night once in awhile. I used to talk to Jack’s dad, Norman a lot about school as he was an English teacher at Cooley High School.

Jack, Doug and I loved walking over to the White Castle hamburger joint at Southfield and Fenkell ,

where we ate a lot of delicious 12 cent hamburgers.

Mike Moriarty and I used to go to the movies at the Norwest Theater at Grand River and Oakfield Avenues.

Mike was determined to be an actor and used to study the actors‘ techniques, especially Jimmy Dean, who he modeled himself afterwards in high school drama at U of D High School, Dartmouth, and the big time theater and Hollywood movies that he would become later famous for in life.

A Neisner Dime Store, and Cunninghams Drug Store, were also at the corner of Grand River and Southfield. I sold the Detroit News on the street corner and in the newsstands  so that the regular newsboy,  a crippled boy, Tommy Johnson, could spend the Christmas Holidays with his grandparents in West Virginia.

I used to walk to cathecism and mass at St. Mary of Redford Catholic Church at St. Mary and Grand River Avenues.  I was frightened to death in a confessional  there when kindly Father McHugh heard my first confession. I was also baptized, received First Communion, and Confirmation at that church. I can remember being inspired by Bishop Fulton J. Sheen preaching about life is worth living from the pulpit and the seemingly immense size of the church when my mother and brothers attended. It was filled at every Mass and I remember how the wooden kneelers torn my knees up during the long prayer for peace at the end of Mass..

Another special trip for me and my young buddies was to make the long walk to the Kreges Store at Greenfield and Grand River. We loved walking through back street alleys looking for treasures in the trash cans, walking through the store, just looking, unless we had a dime or quarter to spend on stamps for our collection, Bowman or Topps baseball cards, Archie comics, or a 5 cent lemon or chocolate coke at the soda fountain.

When we were about 11 years old, Grand River was also our avenue to a bigger world. We could catch a bus at Gilchrist and Grand River and ride past Greenfield, Schaeffer, Livernois, West Grand Boulevard,

to downtown Detroit for 10 cents one way.  It wasn’t long before we saw the towering buildings beckoning us to a day of adventure at JL Hudson Department Store, ice cream at Saunders, and carefree times at other stores. Sometimes, we got off  at Trumbull Avenue, and walked down to Brigg Stadium, where we saw our beloved Tigers play a ball game. On the way back, we knew we were out of the downtown area when we saw the foreboding Detroit Police Station pass by on the right of the bus.

About 1835, our third great grandfather, Fidel Herr walked the 15 miles, down Michigan Avenue, which is parallel to Grand River, from his homestead at Warren and Ann Arbor Trail to St. Mary Church in downtown Detroit, behind the Old City Building and across from one of the Casinos in Greek Town. He wanted to have his confession heard at the old German Catholic Church, but was turned off and never returned to Catholicism after a priest asked him to pay the “French Tax” before hearing his confession.

One of our third great aunts, Mary Barbara Herr married Anthony German at the altar of St. Mary in 1850.

Anthony and Mary Barbara ran a candy store on Michigan Avenue in downtown Detroit until about 1905.

Their only child, a daughter, was a school teacher in the Detroit school system for many years.

My dad’s mother, Grandma Zazi lived near Michigan and 2nd Avenue, and my father was born in a house near 16th Street and Michigan Avenue.

On Sundays I was going to a Detroit Lions game, I met my friend Doug Merrick after his church service

at the downtown First Methodist Church at Woodward Avenue and Grand Circus Park and we’d walk over to Briggs Stadium from there.

I went to the David Whitney Building across Grand Circus Park for my orthodonist appointments with Dr. Bruce Foster  every two weeks for eight years until I went to the Merchant Marine Academy in August, 1959.

I loved going down Jefferson Avenue to Belle Isle, where Joanne and I often fished in the Detroit River or canoed on the inlets with our friends. As an adult,  I played baseball in the Federal League on the diamonds fronting the Windsor side of river. I can remember swimming in the Detroit River there once when I was about 15.

My dad and mom met each other at a dance at Ramona Park, which was located on the mainland next to the Belle Isle Bridge.

My mother and I used to go to the Detroit Yacht Club on Belle Isle to meet her friends, who would take us yachting on Lake St. Claire, and other festivities and banquets related to mom’s clubs, the Rosedale Garden Progressive Club and the National Farms and Garden. I won a bird identification contest there once when quite young.

I took the wedding photos at my cousin Karin Marie Copenhaver and Gary Tomsik’s wedding on September 19, 2009 at the Wixom Community Center. My dad’s sisters, Aunt Dot and Aunt Virginia, Karin’s mother, my cousin Lynn Ellen Copenhaver, her sister, Janice, cousins Patti, Suzie Q, Jackie and Gordie Selinsky, Norma Jean, and their families were there. I enjoyed visiting with all of them and wished I had not waited so long to get in touch, but making amends, we all promised to see each sooner next time.

The grand finale to the reunion trip was seeing my favorite Uncle Harold Herr’s three sons, David, Charles, and Jimmie and their families at Jimmie’s house in Novi. On that Sunday. my Uncle Harold and Aunt Margaret would have been proud to see how their children turned out. They are a big happy family, who care about each other, have values, and fun together.

David Herr, the oldest son, is the spitten image of his father Harold, and further back, photos I have seen of his second great grandfather, Fidel Herr Jr.

The Herr boys and I talked endlessly about our memories and common genealogical roots. Jimmie’s wife, Brenda is a great cook and fed us to the brim with a sit down dinner. Jimmie’s sons, James (with wife Elizabeth), Jarrin,  and grandson Gavin Herr were there.  We had a great time and I invited all the Herr to visit us in Virginia sometime soon.

Again I got nostalgic from this trip - I sometimes wonder why I didn’t visit family more when I was younger, but then, I think I was more sold on myself than I should have been. My parents tried to keep me in touch but you know how it is with a 20 - year old. I just didn’t have the time. Now I hope I can make up for lost time.

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My 50th High School Class Reunion, October 2 - 4, 2009

My 50th Detroit Catholic Central 2009 Class Reunion was like slipping back to my youth at Detroit Catholic Central and paling around with my old buddies again after an absence of over forty years.


Zeke Seacourt, who stood up at my wedding, Charlie Incaudo, who was my ring side trainer,, Bill Butterfield, who I car pooled to school with, and as many as fifty - seven other classmates showed up for the reunion activities, some traveling from as far away as Michael Murphy from Ventura, CA and Mike McInerney from Dallas, TX.Festivities started off fast and furious at the Boys’ Bowl Game Pep Rally in the school gymnasiumand were close to the way we used to get ready for that game fifty years ago.Friday afternoon, Class of 1959 Alumnae Coordinator, Rudy Seichter, showed Joanne and me around the 5-year old, state of the art, Catholic Central building and campus, which are far removed from the intimate, little bandbox we seemed to have back at Outer Drive and Hubbell in our days.I watched the football team practice and made arrangements for a photo shoot with our star running back Niko Palazeti for Sporting News that afternoon. I noted that the football players of old were minute compared to the likes of our 2009 football team.At the stag party Friday night, forty-seven classmates talked a blue streak with each other until the five hours limit ended the conversation too soon.Fortunately, particularly after our long stag party the night before, Saturday morning was a quiet time until our fantastic banquet in the evening.Fifty -four couples attended, ate a great meal, and talked the whole night as a fine band played music of old.A big Catholic Central win over St. Marys Orchard Lake, 27 -0, to make them 6-0 on the season and ranked third in the State of Michigan, topped off Sunday and a great reunion.I want to thank our class coordinator Rudy Seichter for a great job contacting our classmates and organizingsuper reunion festivities. When we were going to school together I saw Rudy always smiling, and even today so many years afterwards, he has not lost that smile.Seeing the guys again made me nostalgic, questioning my reasons for leaving the Detroit area so many years ago but when I got home to Sterling VA, my six grandkids quickly reminded me why I was still there.

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2009 Woodworth Family Reunion Photo Album (June 21 - June 25, 2009)

Our Grandpa Timothy Must Have Been There Helping Me!Far away, but not far enough  from the Washington D.C. political scene, I felt good about myself and the folks I was with at the 2009 Painted Post Woodworth Reunion.Woodworths  are unpretentious people who jell well together, and unlike many social gatherings today, are unaffected by most of the trite values structuring our contemporary American society.Maybe that is because we all have at least a few Woodworth genes and/or our Woodworth spirits were truly with us during those few days we were together, enjoying the festivities just as much as we did.Maybe credit should go to the several Woodworth ministers in our genealogy and present day ministers in attendance at the reunion whose strong moral values were catchy and helped us be thankful for the simpler things of life.At the reunion picnic, Fran Ambroselli told us several tales about how Woodworth spirits helped her to restore the North Cohocton Woodworth House to the beautiful bed and breakfast it is today.

The Tuesday reunion picnic at the Woodworth bed and breakfast was the type of large traditional family gathering which would have overjoyed our ancestor spirits, as it did for sure, all of the living attendees.Many of us toured the old Woodworth bed and breakfast, which had its heyday about 1850, ate fried chicken, a good traditional picnic lunch, and renewed our friendships with the close to eighty family members in attendance.Before the picnic, some of us toured the Glenn H. Curtiss Museum and Pleasant Valley Winery, where some of us joined the spiritual world ourselves.Our immediate family has some ties to the Finger Lakes Region. While the last male Woodworth in our line, our fourth great grandfather Timothy Woodworth (1758 - 1838) never made it past Royalton, Vermont, his oldest daughter, Eunice Woodworth  (1785 - 1822), our third great grandmother and the first wife of Samuel Bills (1778 - 1840), lived and died  in Batavia, NY, a mere 85 miles away from the North Cohocton bed and breakfast..

On Monday, the first day of the reunion, we visited the Abner Woodworth House in Penn Yan. Our immediate family’s closest connection to its former owner, War of 1812 General Abner Woodworth(1785 - 1869), ‘was Joseph Woodworth (1671 - 1745), whose grandfather was Walter Woodworth, the first Woodworth in our family to come to America about 1630.Joseph Woodworth had two sons, Joseph, who was Abner Woodworth’s father, and Jedediah Woodworth, who was our Timothy Woodworth’s grandfather, and who he lived with after his father and mother died in 1768 and he returned from Nova Scotia to his birth place in Lebanon, CT. I think that makes Abner Woodworth Timothy’s uncle.The Abner Woodworth house is in near shambles, but still impressive and surprisingly close in architectural design to the North Cohocton Woodworth bed and breakfast. We should convince Fran to restore the Abner Woodworth house back to its former grandeur. Maybe we could recruit more Woodworth spirits to help her out.After the house visit, the Woodworth group traveled on to pay their respects at Abner Woodworth’sgrave in nearby Lakeview Cemetery and later lunched at a Watkins Glenn waterfront mall restaurant, adjacent to beautiful Seneca Lake, which was troubled by rough waters that day.Some of us still went on an hour boat trip on Seneca Lake. The captain and first mate told us about the Sullivan Expedition in the Summer of 1779 in which the colonists battled the Iroquois and effectively took over their land. Many of the soldiers in that expedition were offered land bounties and came back after the Revolutionary War to settle in the area.While I have not researched it out, Abner Woodworth was probably offered the standard 300 acres of land parcel for his service as a general in the War of 1812 and emigrated to  Western NY for that reason. The area around the Penn Tan house we visited may have been part of the original land grant.Wednesday, time was fleeting and  we had to make the best of our morning  at the Corning Museum  of Glass, and return to the hotel before we spent all our transportation money back home in the gift shop.The Wednesday night banquet at the Holiday Inn Extended, Horseheads, NY was our grand finale.At the well attended banquet, Erich Woodworth emceed and made an excellent  presentation about our common Woodworth ancestor and author of the “Old Oaken Bucket,” Samuel Coleridge Woodworth. Many of us learned his lyric in first grade, without knowing our ancestor wrote it.And no, the Canadians Woodworths did not win all the door prizes this time but I won’t tell you who did.In free time during evenings, Marvin and Diane led excellent discussions about Woodworth Genealogy, History, and DNA, from which all of us learned more about our past.Lowell Woodworth organized the reunion and made sure the fun activities went without a hitch - we’d be lost without Lowell heading up these reunions and  he deserves a lot of credit.Most of the family members stayed at the Hampton Inn, Painted Post, which provided us meticulous rooms,a spacious hospitality room, and a full daily breakfast, including porridge, to get us started on a high note each day.Joanne and I went on to Batavia Thursday morning to research land records for Samuel Bills and Eunice Woodworth at the Batavia Main Library, toured the Holland Land Record Museum, and slumbered along the Genesee River as our ancestors had done so many years before.Thursday night at Auburn NY, I went back to my former life photographing the young Rookie A NY-Penn Auburn Doubleday and State College Spikes ball players recently drafted by the Toronto Blue Jays and Pittsburgh Pirates.On Friday we got lost crossing Bear Mountain to West Point looking for a gas station and barely saw the academy.I think the Woodworth spirits were in their glory during the reunion. I believe many more spirits made the trip to join the local spirits helping Fran at the house. I felt their presence every where, especially at the Woodworth houses.I believe my photography at the reunion was my finest ever but  I can’t explain why. Each picture was well composed and perfectly exposed.. I had to be inspired. Just maybe, Grandpa Timothy was there helping me. I can’t say that for sure, but I can tell you another thing for sure. He will be at the 2011 reunion. Lebanon, CT. was his home town and he certainly would not miss a reunion there and you know what, neither will I.

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Karolyn Wunsch: Little Known Oldest Herr Child


A large portion of our Herr Family is not familiar with the story of  Fidel’s oldest daughter, Karolyn, about whom I’ve been corresponding with some of our newly found cousins and her descendants the past few years. . Recently, cousin Gerald Wisner sent me a photo of Karolyn’s tombstone in Rolfe Cemetery, Ada, Kent County, Michigan and told me the old Wunsch farmhouse is still standing proud and in good shape  down the road from the old cemetery, where they were buried.  I’ve also learned much about the Wunsch Family in correspondence with cousin Donna Rogers, and Phil and Marge, who have  published an informative “Wunsch Descendants.,”  web page. The second of eleven children born to Fidel Herr and his first wife Maria Anna Schmidt and the first of only four by that couple to live beyond infancy, Karolyn Herr was born December 16, 1803 in Achern, Germany..Her father Fidel arranged a marriage contract for her with Anton Wunsch, the son of Joseph Wunsch and Margaretha Ullrich, and a potter from nearby Oberdorf near Kuppenheim, on April 24, 1823.   The happy couple made Fidel a proud grandfather in rapid succession with the births of Appolonia (1824), Sebastian (1827), Agnes (1829) Karl (1830) and Genovefa (1832).  However, they disappointed old Fidel, when they stayed back in Oberndorf, rather than sail on the General Hamilton with him, his new wife, Maria Anna Hauser, and her brother and sisters, Jane, Fidel, Maria Theresa, Marianna, and Maria Theresa on a six -week voyage to the New World in the Fall, 1831.  Anton and Karolyn attended the funeral and were at the reading of the will of Karolyn’s maternal grandmother, Johanna Burger in Achern in March, 1832.I think the silver legacy the couple received from Grandma Burger and father Fidel’s encouraging letters from America finally  influenced them to cross the Atlantic Ocean to join the rest of the Herr Family, sometime between the birth of their daughter, Genovefa on January 3, 1832 in Oberndorf and John Anthony Wunsch in Plymouth, Wayne Country, Michigan on October 10, 1837 (I have not found a passenger record yet for them).They lived in Plymouth, Wayne County, Michigan until they bought a 40-acre farm in Ada, Kent, County, Michigan on June 17, 1850.The family, which  is listed in the Ada, Kent County, Michigan Federal Census records for 1850, 1860, 1870, 1880, and 1900., grew by leaps and bounds to ten children with the Michigan births of Charles, John Anthony on October 10, 1837, Barbara on March 15, 1839, and Mary in 1843.     All of the children married, Sebastien to Martha Champlain, Agnes to Thomas Barr, Genovefa to Adam Umlor, Charles to Ida A. Haight, John Anthony to Anna Peplow, and Barbara to Mathias Snyder.Karolyn died on July 30, 1876 and Anton 4 years later on January 31, 1880 on the old farm in Ada, Kent County, Michigan Much of the family and descendants have stayed and still live in the Grand Rapids and Grand Traverse Michigan areas today  not too far from the old Wunsch family homestead, where their American Dream all started.

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Joseph Herr (1834 - 1917) - Obituary - Plymouth Gazette - 1917

Our cousin Nancy Harper Fullerton  was nice enough to send us Joseph Herr’s obituary shown below, which was published in the Plymouth Mail in 1917.

Born in Nankin Township in March, 1834, Joseph Herr was the youngest son of the original Michigan Herr emigrant, Fidelius Herr and his only son to be born in America. 

He never married, choosing to live his entire life as a bachelor with his older bachelor brother Enos and spinster younger sister Clarissa  on the old Herr homestead, in Nankin Township.

He was a dashing young man in his day, as described in the obituary, riding into Plymouth with his brother Enos on a couple spirited stallions. It sounds like the townspeople were quite impressed with our young cousins, Joseph and Enos Herr.

It is surprising that Joseph and his brother were not combatants in the Civil War as they were definitely of military age, 26 and 29 years old, and sound like they would have been worthy cavalry men., but then maybe Fidelius sheltered them from the draft or enlistment somehow. He had to be tired of the military having survived Napoleon’s antics back in Achern before he left for America..

Other children by Fidelius’ and second wife, Maria Anna Hauser, who survived infancy and came over on the USS General Hamilton with their parents, were: Maria Barbara (born 1824 and married Anthony German), Marianne (born 1824 and married Francis George), and Ignatius Enoch (born 1831 I think on board the USS General Hamilton on the way to America).

 Thanks Cuz Nancy, for sending us this interesting piece.

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John H. Herr - Military and Pension Records

Compiled by Rodger M. WoodCoincidence or John’s Spirit?I have another scary story about our family history.In August 1967, my then three old son Mark and I went to the National Cemetery, Marietta GA to visit the grave of our fallen Civil War family hero, an 18 year old boy, John Herr, who enlisted in Sherman’s Army on February 11, 1864, so his father Fidel Herr would not have to and could stay home on the farm with John’s mother and four younger siblings.John was a cannonaire in Battery A, 1st Michigan LA, which supported Sherman’s Army in his famous Siege of Atlanta and subsequent March to the Sea, but our John made it only to Marietta GA before he contacted bloody disentery and died on August 31, 1864, less than a year before the end of the Civil War.On that hot sunny day near to the 103rd year anniversary of John Herr’s death on August 31, 1864, Mark and I drove up to the entrance to the National Cemetery at Marietta, GA, walked into the cemetery without a clue where John’s grave was in this big spacious cemetery, walked about 25 yards forward, about ten steps to the right, happened to look down to find out we were standing over John’s grave. Coincidence or John’s spirit drawing us to him, we‘ll, never know, but understandably, we were convinced it was John’s spiritwhich drew us to the grave, and we’ll never forgot the experience. .Pension Index: Mother Joanna E. Herr, Applied for Pension: November 12, 1890, Mother, 487433 341591 Michigan.Battery A, 1st Michigan Light ArtilleryBorn: June 23, 1845, Nankin Twp, Wayne Co, MichiganParents: Fidel and Joanna HerrDied: August 31, 1864 at Marietta GABuried: Section A, Grave 35, National Cemetery, Marietta, GATombstone reads, “Jno Hern, Michigan, and is right by the entrance to the cemetery, to right of the gate in Section A. I was there in August, 1965 with my young son Mark to pay our respect to this fallen family hero. (There is a memorial tombstone for John H. Herr next to his parents’ grave in Newburgh Cemetery, Westland MI, but he is buried at the National Cemetery, Marietta, GA.Military Records:Was a member of Battery C, 1st Michigan Light Artillery.Enlisted on February 11, 1864 at Nankin, MI for three years, aged 18, Mustered February 11, 1864. Died of disease at Marietta, GA August 31, 1864.Battery C during John’s time of enlistment took active part in Sherman’s Atlanta Campaign, joined in the siege of Atlanta until it surrendered to General Sherman. Battles included: Dallas GA, May 27, 1864; Resaca GA, May 14, 1864; Decatur Ala, Big Shanty, June 15, 1864; Kenesaw Mountain, GA June 25, 1864; and the Siege of Atlanta, July 22 - August 25, 1864.John was a cannonaire, pvt, and enlisted instead of his father Fidel. He died of colera according to my great uncle John Herr.Affidavits:March 2, 1891: by Ebenezer HubbardHe knew Joanna E. Herr for 30 years. She and her husband owned 36 acres of land valued at $1,500 dollars; $125 furniture, and had $100 annual income.Joanne’s husband Fidel Herr was 80 years old, disabled for Shematism.Lived in Township of Nankin, Wayne Co, Michigan.Affidavit by Edwin J. Norris of Nankin dated March 2, 1891 (same as Ebenezer Hubbard above)Affividavit by David F. Norton, PO Pikes Peak - medical - dated March 2, 1891Has known Joanna for 30 years. Lived 1 mile away for 15 years. Her husband Fidel and father of John has been unable to do any manual labor for 3 or 4 years. Hart Trouble. Norton was a medical doctor for 40 years and was over 80 years old himself.Claimant Affidavit: March 2, 1891 and April 17, 1891:John Herr was born June 23, 1845, Nankin Township, Michigan.Joanne listed her children:John H. Herr botn June 23, 1845Theresa H. Herr, born June 11, 1848Marrett C. Herr, born April 3, 1850Malvina H. Herr, born June 29, 1852William C. Herr, born December 23, 1853Husband: Fidel Herr, 80 yeats oldJoanne was 64, resident of Nankin County, Michigan.John wnrolled at Detroit, February 11, 1864, died disentery or bloody flux incurred near Atlanta GA July 31, 1864.Joanne died May 19, 1910, pensioner dropped, $12/mo.

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Last Will and Testament: Fidel Herr (1782-1862)

Introduction:The last will and testament and some of the supporting documents of our first Herr emigrant to the New World, Fidel Herr (1782 - 1862), are printed verbatim below.The original documents are on file at the State of Michigan Historical Library in Lansing, Michigan.In his will, Fidel provided that his farm and personal effects go to his youngest sons, Enos and Joseph, who he also named executors of his will.He also stipulated Enos and Joseph pay $25 to each of his married daughters, Teresa, Mary Ann, Jane and Barbary, and $50 dollars to his only single daughter Clarissa.While everything may be on the up and up, I have a couple concerns about the validity of this will.The will was witnessed November 7, 1862, which would have been the day before Fidel Herr died on November 8, 1862, and hardly a day when Fidel would have been lucid enough to make a new will.His living children on November 7, 1862, are listed below, but Fidel left out mention of his two oldest children, Fidel Herr Jr, who was living about a mile away on a farm in Nankin, and Karoline Wunsch,who was living on a farm 150 miles away in Ada, Kent, Michigan.Children Alive at Fidel Herr’s Death n November 8, 1862Karoline Wunsch (1803 - 1876) living in Ada, Kent, MichiganJane Holbrook (1810 - 1868) in Plymouth, Wayne Co, MichiganFidel Herr Jr. (1812 - 1894), living in Nankin, Wayne, MichiganTeresa Tanguary (1813 - probably before 1890) and living in Wabash, IllinoisBarbara George (1824 - 1879) living in Wayne, Wayne, MichiganMary Ann German (1826 - before 1891) living in Detroit, Wayne, MichiganEnos Herr (1831 - 1908) living in Nankin, Wayne, MichiganJoseph Herr (1834 - 1917) living on Herr Family farm in Nankin, Wayne, MichiganClarissa Herr ( 1835 - 1911) living on the Fidel’s family farm with brothers Joseph and Enos in NankinIn the supporting documentation, Joseph and Enos did not remember their father died November 8, 1862 and certified instead, he died sometime in 1867, when they requested probate of the will on December 2, 1890..On the same date they requested probate, December 2, 1890, the executors, Joseph and Enos, overlooked listing the names of their older brother Fidel, who was living, and the children of their deceased sisters, Karoline, Teresa, Jane, Barbara, and Mary Ann (listed below) among the living heirs,In a good old traditional German family, usually, the oldest son Fidel would have been given his father’s farm and the grandchildren would have been given their mothers‘ inheritance.Known Fidel Herr Grandchildren Whose Parents Were Deceased in 1890. (Fidel Herr JrChildren Are Not Listed)Sebastien Wunsch (1827 - 1905) living in Ada, Kent, MichiganAgnes Barr (1829 - 1895) living in Ada, Kent, MichiganGenovefa Umlor (1832 - 1901) living in Ada, Kent, MichiganJohn Anthony Wunsch (1837 - 1907), living in Ada, Kent, MichiganBarbara Snyder (1839 - 1908) living in Traverse City, MichiganMary Frances Holbrook (1855 - 1940) living in Plymouth, Wayne, MIAlfred Tanguary (1855 - 1920) living in East Clarkston, MissouriWilliam Tanguary (1856 - after 1920) living in Wabash, IllinoisJohn F. Tanguary (1846 - after 1915), living in Wabash, IllinoisEmily Patterson (1847 - after 1900), living in Richfield, MichiganDillon George (1849 - after 1900), living in Livingston, MichiganLester George (1852 - after 1920), living in Portland, OregonFidell George (1855 - 1916) living in Volusia, FloridaJohn A. German (1857 - after 1910), living in Detroit, Wayne, MichiganThe explanation for omitting Fidel Jr. in the will may have been his father or younger brothers thought he was well enough off that he didn’t need the family farm, or the brothers wanted a clear title to the farm for themselves without Fidel, who was getting up in years, knowing.The brothers may not have known Karoline Wunsch, who came over to America about 1851, much later than the family in 1831, lived in Plymouth, Michigan only a brief time, and left for Ada, Kent, Michigan to raise a family, maybe without much contact with her Herr Family back in Nankin..The brothers may also have paid the stipend provided the daughters to their off springs without mention in the record.In any event, what is passed is passed and I think almost one hundred twenty years later, it is too late to resurrect Fidel Herr and the grandchildren’s descendants’ claim to the estate now.Supporting DocumentationHerr, FidelEstate: 1890Died: 1867Nankin , Wayne, MichiganWill dated: 7 November 186216282Died ----1867, Nankin, Wayne, MichiganWill dated 7 November 1862Estate: 1890Herr, Joseph (son & Executor) Nankin, Wayne, MichHerr, Enos (Son & Executor) Nankin, Wayne, MichHerr, Clarissa Herr (daughter) Nankin Wayne MichTanguary (Nee Herr) Theresa (Daughter, deceased) Nankin, Wayne, MichHolbrook (nee Herr) Jane (Daughter, deceased) Nankin, Wayne, MichHerr, Barbara (Daughter, deceased) Nankin, Wayne, MichHerr, George (son- deceased) Nankin Wayne MichGerman (Nee Herr) Mary Ann (Daughter) Detroit, Wayne, MichFiled December 9, 1890To The Hon. Edgar O. Durfee, Judge of Probate for the County of Wayne, in the State of Michigan:The petition of Joseph Herr, who is the age of 21 and upwards, of the County of Wayne respectfully shows:That Fidel Herr departed this life on (blank) the (blank) day of (blank) in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty - seven leaving a last Will and Testament, as your petitioner is informed and verily believes, which will is herewith presented for probate and wherein your petitioner and Enos Herr are appointed executors thereof.That said deceased was, at the time of his death, an inhabitant of Nankin in said County of Wayne, that he was possessed of real and personal Estate, situate and being in the County of Wayne, to be administered, and that the estimated value thereof is the sum of (blank) Dollars, or thereabouts, of which (blank) Dollars is personal estate, as your petitioner is informed and verily believes.And your petitioner further shows that the names and residences of the heirs at law od said deceased, and other persons interested in his estate, are as follows:Enos Herr and your petitioner, the sons of said deceased, residing in said Nankin, and Theresa Tanguary, deceased, Jane Holbrook, deceased, Barbara George, deceased, Mary Ann German, and Clarisa Herr, the daughter of said deceased. That said Enos, Joseph, and Clarissa reside in said Nankin and said Mary Ann German resides in Detroit in said county.Your petitioner therefore prays said will may be admitted to probate and to said Enos Herr and your petitioner or some other suitable person, and that such other and further order and proceedings may be had in the premises as may be required by the statutes in such case made amd provided.Dated November 12, A.D. 1890(Signed) Joseph HerrLast Will and Testament of Fidel, HerrIn the name of God Amen, I, Fidel Herr of the town of Nankin, County of Wayne, and the State of Michigan, being sound of mind and memory & considering the uncertainties of this frail life, do heretofore, make and ordain, publish, & declare, this to be my last will and testament. That is to say, first after all my lawful debts are paid and discharged, the residue of my estate, real & personal, I give, bequeath, to the following (wit), To my two Sons, Enos Herr, & Joseph Herr, my farm and appurements thereon, situated in the Town of Nankin, in the county of Wayne, & State of Michigan., together with all my personal effects, of which I may be possessed at my decease. My two sons, Enos & Joseph, are to pay to my daughter Teresa, twenty-five dollars, to my daughter Mary Ann twenty-five dollars, to my daughter Clarissa, fifty dollars, to my daughter Jane and Barbary, twenty five dollars, Likewise, I appoint, make, and constitute my said sons, Enos & Joseph, to be my executors of this my last will & testament, hereby revoking all former wills by me made.In witness whereof I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my seal the seventh day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two.(signed)The above written instrument was subscribed by the said Fidel Herr in our presents, and acknowledged by him to each of us: and he at the same time published and declared the above instrument and subscribed toHis last will and testament, and we, at the testator’s request and we, at the testaor’s request & in his presents, have signed our names as witnesses hereto, and writen opposite our names our respective places of residences.Harry Dow Nankin Wayne County State of MichiganB.C. Bunnell Livonia, Wayne Co, MichiganLast Will and Testament of Fidel Herr (continued)State of Michigan in the County of Wayne Probate Court for said County, I Edgar O. Durfee Judge of Probate In and For the County do hereby certify that the foregoing instrument was this day duly found ande allowed as and for the last will and testament of Fidel Herr late of Nankin Township in said County deceased as fully appears from the order entered in the journal of the said court.In testimony whereof I have hereunto rendered my hand and official seal of said writ the 5th December eighteen hundred ninety.(Signed)Edgar O. DurfeeJudge of Probate.

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Es Ist Zu Spaet

Von Rodger M. Wood IntroductionI wrote the article, “Es ist Zu Spaet” or “It is Too Late”  for my German 295 class last semester. It describes the events which led our third great grandfather, and first Herr emigrant to America in our Herr family branch, Fidel Herr (1778 - 1862) to give up his Catholic religion and heritage in 1833. In the spring of 2006, I made a pilgrimage to St. Mary Church, from which Fidel was turned away.  I paid a priest the “French Tax,” which Fidel had refused to pay, had my confession heard, attended a mass, which I arranged to be said for our Fidel, received Holy Communion, and poured holy water from the church’s font into a bottle. I took the holy water back to Newburgh Cemetery. My hands and legs shaking in fear Fidel may come up from his grave at me, I  poured the holy water on Fidel’s grave to restore him to Catholicism and good terms with God.      Es ist zu SpaetNach Familietradition, waere mein sechster UrgroBvater, Blasius Herr, im Jahre 1674 aus der Schweiz geflohen, weil er,, Mennonite Anabaptist” waere.  Er waere an der alten romanischen StraBe aus Basel nach Baden- Baden durch den schoenen Schwarzwald  gewandert, um von katholischer Verfolgung entkommen.  Er waere auch gewandert, weil er die Einladung des palatinen Konigs  sein Reich aufzubauen woellte.     Die meisten meiner anderen Vorfahren waren auch Deutsche.  Der Maedchenname meiner Mutter war,, Herr.”  Ihr dritten UrgroBvater und der ersten Einwanderer nachneuen Welt Unserer Familien, Fidelius Herr, war im Dorf ,,Oensbach” geboren, das im Schwarzwald gelegen hatte.  Fidelius war der groeBe  Enkelsohn von Markus Herr, der ursprunglichen aus Siedler in Oensbach wae.       Oensbach liegt im Archertal im Norden von Schwarzwald naeher dem Rhein, 18 KM nordwesten Baden - Baden, 19 Km nordosten Offenburg, und 30 Km sudwesten daeruberdie franzosischen Grenze aus Strasbourg, die Kathedralestadt denn fuer Oensbach war.       Dieses Dorf war erste im Schriftgeschichte im 1230 A.D. er wachnt worden,, wann ein Burkhard von Hohenrode einen ihm HOF in Oensbach an das Kloste Honau uebergab.”  Die koniglichen Staufenberger und Zahringer Familie waren Oensbach in dashochen Mittelalter mit Landevogtei der Ortenau zu verbinden gefuhrt.  Waehrend  Des DreiBigjaehrigen Krieges (1618 - 1648), ist Oensbach vom franzosishen Heer niedergebrannt worden und ist vieler Jahre verlassen worden, bis der Konig desPalatinates,, die Mennonite Anabaptist” ihm sein Reich wieder aufbauen zu helfenein geladen hat. Blasius Herr hat sein Enladung angenommen, bevor er nach Baden - Baden gewandert war.      Das Haus, in dem Fidelius Herr geboren wurde, steht wieder in Oensbach bei SchwartzwaldstraBe 25, unter dem Schatten des doerflichen katholischen Kirchturms. Da die doerflichen romanischen katholischen Kirche,,  St. Josef”  nicht schon gebaut worden am Fidels Geburtstag am 23 Dezembre 1782, mussten seine Eltern, Blasius und Maria Klaer, viele Brueder und Schwestern, Oenkel, Tanten, Kuisine, Nachbarn, und andere doerflichen Leute den Saeugling diese Nacht einen Km. hinher die StraBe bei derAltekirche, St Elisabeth, in Fautenbach nehmen, um ihn zu taufen.  Alle waren in einerProzession, die bei glanzender brennenden  Taeschenlampen geleitet war worden, bevorTod ihn zum Mitmehmen konnte.       Fidels GroBvater Markus Herr, der Sohn des ersten Mennonite Siedler in Baden - Baden war, nach Oensbach im Jahre 1731 zu wohnen gekommen.  Er konnte heiraten  Elisabeth Schlinder, deren Vater Buergermeister des Oensbach und reicher Bauer war, und doerflicher Schuster sein und ist in die Katholismus umwandelt.  Im Jahre 1732 hat Markus Herr das Familiehaus bei SchwarzwaldstraBe 25 von seiner Schwiegermutter gekauft, und hat das jaehrlichen Zeichen beim Zahringer Scloss getragen.  Ein Inschriftan einer Schlafzimmerwand,, In Anno Domini MCCCLXVIII” angedeutet habe, dass das Haus im 1388 A.D. gebaut sei.  Markus hatte Erfolg als Schuster, und er das Haus und sein neues  Religion bei seinem aeltest Sohn Blasius Herr, gegeben hat, wenn erim Jahre 1765 gestorben wurde.       Blasius war auch auf fallend Buerger, Schuster, und  im Jahre 1800, war Buregermeister Oensbach.  Er war jedes Jahre ein Mitglied des Stadtrats.  Er hat am 7. Juli 1805, nachdem ein Monat die neue Kirche,, St  Josef” schon gebaut war.  Er wurdeim Friedhof der Kirche begrabt worden, das er zu bauen ge holfen hatte.       Im acht zehnes Jahrhundert, waren deutsche Vaeter verantwortlich gute Ehe fuer ihre Soehne und Toechter zu verhandeln.  Buergermeister im Jahre 1800 und reicherSchuster hatte Blasius Herr ein Ehevertrag ueber Seinem juengest Sohn Fidelius mitMaria Anna Schmidin, die eine Tochter eines reichen Baeckermeister, Johann Nepomuk  Schmid  aus Achern, verhandelt. Das Paar hat am 10 August 1801 bei St. Nicholaus oderKlausenkirchel,  die um 1300 A.D. in Achern gebaut hat worden, geheiratet.  Als seineMitgift, hat sein Schwiegervater sein groBes Haus in Achern bei Fidelius gegeben.        Von 1801 - 1831, hat Fidelius gut gemacht.  Er und seine Ehefrau Maria hatten Kinder jedes Jahre zur Welt gebracht aber einzige Toechter Karolina (1803), Johanna (1809), Maria Theresa (1817), und Sohn Fidel (1812) (und er meinen UrgroBvater war), ihrefruehe Kindheit uebergelebt haben. Als sein Vater im Jahre 1805 gestorben wurde, hat  natuerlich sein aeltest Bruder, Blasius Herr, das Familiehaus bei SchwarzwaldstraBe 25 geerbt.  Fidelius’ erste Ehefrau am 17 Septembre 1818 gestorben hat, und er hat MariaAnna Hauser fuenf Monate spaeter im Februar, 1819 bei Fautenbach geheiratet.       Im Jahre 1830, hatten die Kinder der Maria Anna Schmidin ihres Mutters Erbe von ihr GroBmutter Johanna Burger gegeben. Ihre vaeterliche GroBmutter, Maria Theresa Klaer, ist sehr junge gestorben, aber ihr Bruder, Wilhelm Klaer, der Schulleiter und Organistder Stadt Oeberachern war, hat gewaehrleisten, dass sein junger Neffe, Fidelius sehr guthat beigebracht worden. Ich besitze ein hundert Seite Violinsonate und  ein philosophisches Buch, dass er im Jahre 1817 geschrieben hat.       Im Jahre 1830, haben einige Aktivitaten im Achern ge schehen, dass Fidelius nicht gefallen haben.  Waehrend der frueher dreiBig Jahre, hatte Napoleon aus Archertal ins Schlachfeld verwandelt.  Die Maenner der Herrenfamilie und Dorf hatten mit ihrer Einberifung bedroht worden.  Wann die Armee Napoleons die Bauers Feld                        war, hat sie ihn zerstoert hat. Im 1807, haben deutsche Leibeigene aus Sklaverei befriet, und waren in die groBen Fabrik in die Staedte und Doerfer gegangen.  Sie hatten die Existenz der Fidels Baeckerei und alles traditionellen deutschen Hauswerke bedroht.Obwohl Achern sehr katholisches Dorf war, hatten die Evangelische eine Kirche in mittler Dorf naher Fidels Haus zu bauern er lauben. Vergessliche seines katholischen oder Mennoniten Vertrauen, wurde Fidelius feste ein Agnostiker. Die Familie hat im Jahre 1830  auch viele Goldenmuenze geerbt.  Fidelius hat ueber die vielen Anschlage fuer billiges Land und Ueberquerung im Michigan gedacht, die er ueberall gesehen hat, .        Er hat sich entschieden nach Amerika auszuwandern, er hat sein Haus bei seinem Vetter, Edward Armbuster, gekauft, und hat seine Frau und fuenf Kinder an die Rhein nach  Antwerp genommen. Sie waren drei Monate ueber die Atlantischer Ozean nach Amerika gefahren.      Wenn er ein Jahre spaeter in seiner Blockhutte in seiner viertig Acre Bauernhof, aufgewacht hat, war er sehr froh. Er war ein Marzen Samstag, und er hat seines katholischen Vertrauen zu erneuern entschlieBen.  Er wurde Zwoelf Km. in die deutschen Detroit Kirche fahren, um ein Priester seine Glaubens Gestaendnis zu hoeren und er seines Ostenen Pflicht. Als seine Verfahren, wurde er die langen Entfernung fuer Religion fahren.      Bei der Tur der deutschen Kirche, hat ein franzosischen Priester ihn gegruBt. Fideliushat dem franzosischen Priester seine Gestaendnis zu hoeren gefragt.  Der Priester antwortete auf ihm,, Bestimmt, aber Sie mussen erste mir die Besoklung bezahlen.”          Daerfur erinnerte Fidelius sofort an Martin Luthers verdammung von diekatholischenen Kirche. Er hat sich vom Priester ab gewandt und hat sich gemurmelt,, Ichwerde meinen Weg Gott zu verehren finden mussen.”        Fidelius ist nie wieder zu einer Kirche gekommen, aber im Jahre 1850, hat er allein ueber die StraBe von St. Mary gestanden. Er hat gehends in die Kirche, die Menschenmenge, die seine juengest Tochter Maria Theresas Hochzeit zu sehengesammelt,  an gesehen.      Er sagte leise sich, Ich darf nicht meine Meinung andern. Es ist zu spaet!”

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Die Leutegeschichte von Oensbach



I wrote the “The People History of Oensbach” for my final paper for my German 295 class at Northern Virginia Junior College last semester.

It was the culmination of my preliminary research into Upper Rhine Valley and Black Forest area of Baden, where our Herr Family showed up in 1731 when Markus Herr bought 25 Schwarzwaldstrassee from his mother in law, Frau Schlinder.

While serving initially as a research paper for my German class, I truly wish it will also serve as a framework for my doctoral research into our Herr Family History down the road. The Oensbach area history is blessed with much more fruit for study and I am determined to track our family’s place in it.

Also, I want to show my German speaking cousins the progress I have made in learning our ancestral language. I am enrolled in German 415, Advanced German Grammar and Composition at George Mason University this semester and plan to keep getting more fluent until I can read the philosophy book our third great grandfather, Fidel Herr Sr, wrote in 1817.   

Die Leutegeschichte von Oensbach  


     Um ueber meine muetterliche ethnische religioese und nationale Erbe

zu bestimmen, muss ich zueruck an die romische Zeiten im Jahre 55 B.C.

an die Geschichte vom Dorf Oensbach und anderen naeher schwarz waulder

Doerfer ziehen.  Der dritten UrgroBvater von meiner Mutter Fidelius Herr

ist im Jahre 1782 in diesem Dorf geboren, das im Ortenaukreis im

Archertal im Norden von Schwarzwald naeher dem Rhein, 32 km

nordwesten Baden-Baden, 19 km nordosten Offenburg, und 30 km

suedwestlich von der franzoesischen Grenze von Strasbourg liegt.   


     Zwischen den Jahren 100.000 und 30.000 BP waehrend der Mittler

palaeolithicischer Periode, gab es viele Beweis, dass Neandertler auf

Rhinozeros und wollige Mammuten dem Rhein entlang naeher Oensbach

gejagt haben.


     Waehrend der mesolithic an Periode von kultur eller Entwicklung um die

Jahre 5.600 B.C., ist das Rheintal von,, Cro-Magnon” besetzt worden, die

gejagt haben, die ueber pflanzen und Tiere gewusst haben, und die einige

Tiere aufbewahren gekonnt haben.


      Waehrend der Eisenzeit um die Jahre 600 B.C., sind beide Ufer vom

Rhein naeher Oensbach von keltischer Stammen besetzt worden, die von

germanischer Stammen er setz worden sind, die den Weser und Aller

Fluesse ueberkreuzen sind und die um die Jahre 500 BC der Ufer entlang

vom Rhein ausdehnen sind. 


     Im,, die gallischen Kriege “ hat Julius Caesar geschrieben, dass

Ariovistus im Jahre 53 B.C. ein Heer aus der Harudes, Marcomanni,

Triboci, Vangiones, Nemetes und Sedusil germanischen Stammen

gesammelt haette die in ein hundert Kantons dem Rhein entlang gewohnt

haetten. Waehrend des gleichen Jahre, hat Julius Caesar Bruecken gebaut,

um Rhein zu ueberqueren. Im Jahre 50 B.C, haben German ische Stammen

die romische Stadt Vesontio in Gallien attackiert.


     Der Verfall der romischen Baden sind in Baden-Baden gefunden worden,

 der eine Stadt 32 km nordwestlich von Oensbach platziert ist, dass die

Romer im 80 A.D. ge gruendet haben.  Es gibt auch Beweis ueber eine

romische Entscheidung naeher Hoch Straebel in Achern, die eine Stadt zwei

km suden Oensbach platziert ist. 


     Im Jahre 75 A.D, hat Tacitus die,, Germania “ geschrieben, die

Germanics Stammen dem Rhein entlang und im Schwarzwald gewohnt



     Im Jahre 98 A.D, habe Ammianus Marcellinus den Name,, Alamanni” auf

germanische Stammen im,, Limes Germanicus” waehrend trajanisches

Gouverneursamts des,, Germania Vorgesetzte” sich zu beziehen benutzt.


     Claudius Ptolomy hat im Jahre 168 A.D. im,,Geographie” geschrieben,


dass die ger manische Stammen, Ingriones, Intuergi, Vangiones, Caritni, und

Vispi in,, Germania Vorgesetzte” gewohnt haetten, die zwischen dem Rhein

und Abnoba im der Schwarzwald platziert worden sind.


     Im Jahre 215 A.D, zeigt Archeologie von der Periode, dass die Alamanni

Weitgehend romischen waren. Sie haben in romischer Haeuser gewohnt,

und haben romische Artefakte benutzt. Die alemanne Frauer frueher als die

alemanne Maenner die romische Art von der Tunika adoptiert hatten. Die

stammese Strukfuer hat sein Griff in der Schwarzwald verliert, und war

darin von die Kanton zurueckgestellt worden.


     Im Jahre 217 A.D, hat der romische Kaiser Caracalla Anspruch

alemannes Buendnis der ger manische Stammen zu schlagen erhoben, die

ueberall den oberhaupten Fluss gewohnt haetten und die Romer von

eindringende darueber den Rhein aus der romanischen Provinz,

ger manischen Vorgesetze, angehalten haette. 


     Viele Alamanni sind im Jahre 366 A.D. hinueber den gefrorenen Rhein

im Gallien zu einfallen gegangen, wo sie von  Valentinian im Schlacht

Solicinium sind geschlagt worden. 


     Im Jahre 406 A.D, sind die Alamanni wider hinueber den Rhein im

Elsass zu besiegen, und hat das westliche romische Reich zer fallen.


     Das konigreich (oder Herzogtum) von der Alemanni zwischen

Strasbourg und Augsburg hat bis ins Jahre 496 A.D. angedauert, als die

Alamanni von Clovis I am Schlacht Tolbiac besiegt.


     Byzantinischer Geschichtsschreiber Agathias von Myrina hat im Jahre

550 A.D. aufgezeichnt, dass die Alemanni als die Frankfurtr auBer ihren

Religion waeren, die unter den Truppen vom frank ischen Konig

Theudebald haetten gekaempft, seit sie abgortisch Baeume, Fluesse, und

Schluechte als Gott verehrt haetten und Pferde, und Kuhe, und unzaehlige

 andere Tiere gekoepft hatten, als ob es ein heiliger Ritus waere.    


     Im Jahre 614 A.D, haben Alamanni in die Dioezeze von Strasbourg

haben sie angesiedelt im Jahre 736 A.D. im Staatsgebiet von Augsburg

haben sie angesiedelt im Jahre 745 A.D. in die Dioezeze von Mainz

und sie haben angesiedelt im Jahre 805 A.D. in die Dioezeze von Basel




     Im Jahre 635 A.D, ist das Bischofsamt im alamannischen Staatsgebiet

geschafft worden. Das zum Ausdruck gebracht hat, dass sie Katholizismus

angenehmen haben.


      Die alamannische unverwechselbare Gesetz sind im Jahre 800 A.D.

unter Karl der GroBe als das Herzogtum von Alamannia in Schwaben

kodifiziert worden.


     Im Verdun Vertrag ist Alamannia eine Provinz vom oeslichen Konigreich

von Louis der Deutscher geworden, das Wegbereiter vom Heiligen

romischen Reich war.


     Vom Jahre 870 A.D, war der Rhein die zentrale Achse von einer

politischen Einheit, das Heilige Romische Reich.


     Rudolf von Rheinfelden Herzogtum von Schwaben ist im Jahre 1077

A.D. den Koenig von Deutschland gewaehlt worden.  Die Zahringer eine

wenigere alamannische adlige Familie hat diesen neuen Koenig gestaerkt,

der sie fuer ihre Treue mit Land und Kraft belohnt hat. Sie sind Herrscher

ueber ein Herzogtum geworden, und haben Eigentum im Schwarzwald auf

beide Seiten von den oberen Reichweiten von Rhein zu erwerben

konzentriert.  Diese Familie hat Graefe in Thurgau, Albqua, Breisgau, und

Ortenau, wo meine Herrenfamilie hat ins Doerfer von Achern und

Oensbach gewohnt. Der Markgrafen von Baden hat im Jahre 1275 A.D. die

Graefe vom Breigau und Ortenau uebergenommen.  


     Die zahringerische Familie war verantwortlich fuer die Gruendung von

vielen neuen Entscheidungen in ihren Koenigreich Ortenau einschlieBlich

Oberachern, Achern, Oensbach, Fautenbach, Offenburg, Renchen, und die

Allergeiligen Kloster. Jede neue Entscheidung hat mehre Volker aus dem

Koeniglichen Haushalt, andere Stadte, und Laender gebracht.


     Achern oder,, Acchara” hat erst im Jahre 1050 A.D. in einer Handschrift

er waehnt. Zum gegenwaertigen Zeitpunkt haben Oberachern und

Niederachern ein Gemeinwesen gebildet. Die Abtrennung in zwei

verschiedene Doerfer hat allmaehlich vom Ende des dreizehnten

Jahrhundert zum Beginn des vierzehnten Jahrhundert ge schehen. Um dem


Jahre 1300 A.D, hat die Nikolaus Kapelle in Achern gebildet, und sie steht

noch heute im mittleren Dorf.  Im Jahre 1495 A.D, ist Achern im

Hundertjahrekrieg heruntergebrannt worden, und das Dorf ist zwoelf Jahre

davongelaufen worden. Priesterliche Rechte sind von Sankt Johann

Kirche in Oberacherm nach die Kirche von unserer Frau in Achern verlegt



     Eine zahringerischer Herzog hat im Jahre 1201 A.D. ein Schloss im Teil,

der Oberachern geworden ist.  Bis um Jahre 1500 A.D, war Oberachern die

Lage vom regionalen Hof Achern. Der konig liche Vogt ist im Jahre 1328

A.D. er waehnt worden, und der konig liche Hof ist im Jahre 1370 A.D.

er waehnt worden.


     In der Bulle des Papstes Honorius III (1216 - 1227) werden um des

Jahre 1223 A.D. dem Kloster Ettenheimmuenster seine Rechte und

Besitzungen bestaetigt. In diesen,, Honoriusprivileg” erscheint der

Name auch,, Oensbach” als,, Ongersbac.”  Im Jahre 1230 A.D, hat

Burkhardt von Hohenrode ein Hof in Oensbach fuer das Kloster Hanau

ge gruendet.


     Naeher Oensbach, Achern, und Oberachern hat Herzogin Uta von

Schauenberg im Jahre 1192 A.D. ein Monchskloster von Allerheiligen

geschafft, das Leute in der Flachenausdehnung angezogen hat, und eine

groBere religiose politische und kulturelle Mitte des oberen Trogtal von

Lierbach im noerdlichen Schwarzwald geworden war. Es war im Jahre 1657

A.D. eine Abel geworden und hat am 17 November 1802 function ert hat,

wann der Margraf Karl Friedrich von Baden sie aufgeflosen hat.


     Offenburg war noch eine Stadt, die in der Flachenausdehnung angezogen

hat.  Der Bischof von Strasbourg hat im Jahre 1100 A.D. sie ge gruendet hat,

und sie hat erste im Jahre 1148 A.D. in deutschen historischen Handschidte

er waehnt. Sie war im Jahre 1240 A.D. eine freie kaiserliche Stadt



     Einige religiose Dissidentin sind nach den Dreibigjahrekrieg

(1618-1648) die Flachenausdehnung zu restaurieren gekommen. 

Anabaptische Schweizer haben im Jahre 1653 hinunter den Rhein in die

Oedlands in ihren westenen Boeschung zu bewegen begonn. Der

palatinische Herzog hat im Jahre 1664 A.D. ein spezielles Angebot der


Tolierung und religiose Freiheit den schweizerischen Brueder,, Mennists”

ausgegeben.  Einige franzoesische Adligen hat auch die schweizerischen

Brueder in die Lands norden die Schweiz ein geladen. Im Jahre 1680 A.D,

Hat Jakob Ammann ein anabaptisches Band des Anhaengers in

Markirchental im Elsass ge fuehrt.       


     Viele sephardinische Juden sind zum Ende vom fuenfzehnten

Jahrhundert und waehrend des sechzehnten Jahrhundert aus iberischen

Halbinsel fuer religiose Greiheit in Kaufmaennischen Mitten von Holland,

Frankreich, und Deutschland verlassen.  Es gibt Registers, die einige

sephardinische Juden wohnende in Offenburg, Oensbach, und Achern




     Nach den Erlass von Nantes und den Dreibigjahrekrieg, haben manche

franzoesische Hugenotten in Achern und anderen Teilen vom rheinischen

Trogtal unterbtacht.


     Ortenaukreis war ein Schlachtfeld, waehrend des Hundertjahrigekrieg

(1337- 1453), Dreibigjahrigekrieg (1618-1648), Hollaendischkrieg (1674),

Palatinischfolgekrieg (1688 -1700), und der napoleonischen Kriege spaeter

(1795 - 1815).  Waehend diese Kriege sind franzoesische schwedische

deutsche osterreichische englische russische und andere europaeische Heer

und ihre hilfreiche Leute in Ortenaukreis, und dem naeheren Schwarzwald

gecampt worden, bewegt worden, gepluendert, und gekaempft, der wie

einem Sammelplatz, genutzt hat, bevor Ulm und andere Schlachte.  Einige

diese Soldate und ihre hilfreiche Leute haben in Achern, Offenburg,

Oberachern, Oensbach, und anderen Schwarzwalddoerfer nach die Kriege

zurueckzukommen und zu wohnen ge waehlt.  


     Mein funfte UrgroBvater Blasius Herr ist im Jahre 1735 auch in

Oensbach gebornen, aber ich kann nicht ueberprufen, dass sein Vater mein

sechte UrgroBvater Marcus Herr auch in Oensbach gebornen ist.  Ich weiB,

dass er im Jahre 1731 ein Haus bei Schwarzwaldstrassee 25 in Oensbach

gekauft hat, aber ich kann nicht seine Geburtsurkunde finden. Er war

Schuster, der irgendwo sein Gewerbe von der Gilde gelehrt worden ist, aber

ich weib nicht woran.


     Seine Vorfahre und meine koennen Neandertler oder ,,Cro-Magnon”


Man, germanischer oder romischer Krieger, Zahringerischer koeniglicher

Arbeiter, anabaptischer Schweizer, sephardinischer Jude, franzosischer

Hugenotte, oder franzoesischer Soldat sein, oder etwa Kombination von

diesen Leute, die Oensbach, und naehere Flaechenausdehnung bevoelkt hat.

Ich muss die Leutegeschichte von Oensbach darueber zu finden und


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Concerto by Our 3rd Great Grandfather: Fidelius Herr (1782 – 1862)

Somehow and some where, our third great grandfather, Fidelius Herr, a baker by trade, studied and learned music well enough to compose a lengthy concerto in 1817, a sample of which can be heard on this web page.No. 4 AndantevlnDuetto IIThe sixty-four pages of his original sheet music are in my possession.I am having a professional musician record the remainder of the concerto, which I will put on this web page in the near future..To listen to Fidel’s concerto straight through, you will have to enjoy classical music.He has been compared to Mozart, which is probably a stretch, but possible as I know absolutely nothing about music having flunked this class repeatedly at old Isaac Crary Elementary.There was a music tradition on the maternal side of Fidelius’ family. Although his mother Maria Klar, died when he was two years old, three generations of his grandfathers, Franz Klar, Franz Ignas Klar, and Franz Klar carried on a musical heritage as Head Schoolmasters and Organists at nearby Oberachern.Since Fidelius was motherless, it is very conceivable he may have spent a lot of time and was  educated by his grandparents and uncles.It was well known and reported that Fidelius Herr and Fidel Herr Jr. were both accomplished violinists in Nankin Township – skipping down a couple generations,we discover that our Uncle Harold Herr and my brother Russell Allan Wood were both accomplished musicians in Detroit, and Los Angeles.There is a musical tradition in the Herr Family and this concerto shows that it may have started with Fidelius Herr.

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Harriet Melvina Herr Story

Whatever It Takes!Memories of Harriet Melvina Herr (1852 -1938)By Dorothy Joy LiscumFrom Germany in 1831 came a family of 3 sons and a daughter – people who wanted a new start in a new land.The father Fidel Herr and the mother Mary Ann, brought the young people to the Detroit area where land could be obtained for a nominal sum.It’s not known where the older couple, the parents settled, but the son named for his father, Fidel Jr., bought a farm near Plymouth Road or Ann Arbor Trail in the area then known as Perrinsville.They had all looked at the area around and near to Detroit, but because it was wet and swampy and would need a lot of preparation before any crops could be planted, they decided to go out further and search for better farming land.Two brothers looked still farther going west and south from Fidel Jr.’s farm and found some land that was sandy and seemed well drained so they decided to get that land.Their sister, Clarissa, kept house for Joseph and Enos in a log cabin built by these brothers.


None of the three ever married. Their farm was at Cowan Road, near Newburg Road in Wayne County.They all worked hard – and in later years, a 2-storied brick home was built and the log cabin was torn down.Before leaving the log cabin, this I must let my readers know that the fireplace was designed to accommodate a large log brought into the house through the front door, across the living room to the fireplace. Here the forward end of the log was fired from the existing bed of coals and as it burned, the opposite end was pushed gradually into the fire, until all was consumed. Naturally someone had to watch this fire, but the brothers considered this method easier than cutting the log into sections fitting the inside of the fireplace.Fidel Jr. married a 16-year old girl named Joanna Willsey and they lived in a log cabin on his farm in Perrinsville. There was very little money in the household – Joanna was able to make only six flannel diapers for her first child and cut up her wedding dress to make other clothes for the child.Her children arrived at regular intervals, Theresa called “Tet,” Harriet Melvina (called Viny), a son named John, another daughter named Marietta (also called “Met.”), a son named Wm, and last a daughter named Jessie.As a young man, John enlisted in a company going to help fight in the Civil War.He did not write many letters home, and after not hearing from him for a long period, his father instituted a search through a third party, who was recommended to him, as being able to trace young men in the war. John was at last found to have been ill with diarrhea, a common ailment among soldiers, and because he either got no medicine or it was too late when he got it, he died according to a letter received from another soldier who knew him.The log cabin the family lived in had two floors. The second story floor was of logs, laid side by side, and all the children but the youngest at the time slept in the upper room. It was warmer than the first floor – and too the children could be sent up there when company came.My grandmother Viny told me they nearly always had bread made of corn meal, besides corn meal mush for breakfast, corn meal being less expensive than white flour. However,when there were guests for meals, Johanna, Viny’s mother, evidently did have some white flour to use, and would make biscuits to serve the guests.The children being relegated to the upstairs while the company was fed, would hope desperately that some of the biscuits would be left for them to eat at the children’s meal. They could look down between the logs in the second floor and would watch the plate with the biscuits. If any were left, it was a happy time – but often there were no biscuits left for the children.Theresa married Minot Weed who had been in the Civil War. After the war was over, they moved to the Kalkaska, Michigan area to a farm. They had one daughter who died as a young woman.Harriet Melvina met a good looking young man at Nankin Mill and later married him. His name was James K. Joy, son of Bennett Joy, whose home was at Grand River and Telegraph Rd. Bennett and family having come there from New York State.James was next to the youngest of a family of 12 children. When he and Melvina married, he bought a farm on Plymouth Road, two miles east of the city of Plymouth.He did not have enough cash to pay for it so he worked hard to make payments to the previous owner.There were two parts to the farm – one part was on the south side of Plymouth Road, and the other on the north side and the larger. After a few years the smaller part was sold that on the south.James and Viny had a daughter born in 1873 named Lydia Olivia, then in three years a son named Mark.These children attended school at Newburg, and then went to Plymouth High School.However, the boys were only 8 and 6 years old when their father sickened and died of typhoid feverThis left Viny with three children to raise, and a farm to pay for – she had to practice all kinds of economies.She hired a man to do all the heavy work on the farm until the boys were old enough to do it.One of her economies was to cut a pencil in half, and each boy got a half to do his lessons.Also they ate sandwiches spread with lard for school lunches. After all butter could be sold or traded for groceries so it was not used much at home.Lydia finished high school and took teacher’s training and became a teacher.Jim and Mark worked on the farm and Viny, their mother, kept house for them, until Jim, who was courting a neighbor girl, Ella Beckhold, after 3 years, decided on marriage.Then Viny, who believed strongly, that 2 women could not live in the same house, moved to Plymouth – there she bought or rented a 2-story house near the railroad tracks, and took in boarders.In order to make the most of her location, Viny rented rooms to two shifts of railroad men, the day shift would rise, eat breakfast and leave, then Viny would whisk around to the bedrooms, pull off the sheets the day workers had slept in and put on the sheets that the night workers had slept in the day before and make the beds for those who would any minute come in and want to get their sleep before night fall.When these men got up and had their meal, Viny would hurry around and remake the beds for the day men who would be coming in any time to go to bed.No one knows how she did it, but she did it for a number of years, perhaps 5 or 6 - when she changed her habits, sold the boarding house, bought a neat little white house on Ann Arbor Trail, and keeping one steady boarder, she moved to an easier life.Her daughter, Lydia, still teaching, moved in with her, also, and things were better for Viny.Lydia had a suitor, a railroad worker, James McNabb, who had invented a gadget for use on the railroads. He was a good looking man and he admired Lydia greatlyShe, however, was very hesitant about consenting to marriage, as he was nine years younger than she. The old belief was that the men should be older than the girl he married, and Lydia was very sure their marriage wouldn’t work. He finally convinced her he was only interested in her, and always would be, and they married. She was 34 and he was 25.They, Lydia and James, moved to Biddle Street in Detroit and after a year, they persuaded Viny to come and live with them.She felt she would have nothing to do there, but did go – and being Viny, she went out and found herself an occupation that kept her busy for years.She called on folks selling magazine subscriptions. She got acquainted – told folks about her son, the farmer, who raised exceptional potatoes. cabbages, apples, and chickens!She then took orders for the farm products, along with the magazine subscriptions, and sending Jim the orders, he and his wife Ella got them ready and Jim delivered them.Viny also took orders for dressed chickens for Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day,sometimes as many as 25 for each of these days.Jim would kill the chickens, Ella would dress them and then on the day before the holiday, he’d deliver the chickens to the delighted customers that Viny had found. He’d also bring in apples, potatoes, cabbage, and carrots. There were no freezer or refrigerators on the farms in those days – however, it was usually cold enough to preserve the chickens for the three days necessary before serving them on the holiday. Ella was especially worn out after cleaning and dressing 25 chickens in a day.A monumental job! Jim would be worn out after his day in the city delivering the farm products.One Christmas, while Viny was selling subscriptions, the company she worked for, put out a brochure, saying anyone of their salespeople who sold a certain large number ofsubscriptions, could earn a gold watch made by a well known reliable company.Viny worked very hard that year and earned two of them, giving at Christmas, one watch to Jim and one to his brother Mark. Jim and Mark carried those watches proudly the rest of their lives, Jim living to 96.After Viny gave up the subscription business – she was still living in Detroit with Lydia and her husband James.The year 1910. was to be a red letter year for her. Her son Mark and wife Bertha Ostrander, who already had a son and a daughter, in January, brought triplets into the world, two girls and a boy.In 1910, multiple births were rare beyond twins. No incubators were invented or any other mechanical aid - so it was a world shaking event.The children were born in a farm house on 7-Mile Road near Northville and weighed from three to four pounds each and were so tiny.With baby’s normal clothing so much too large for them, it was necessary to adjust, or resewn, the clothing prepared for the one baby that was expected.The news media wrote about the triplets, came over and took pictures of the children sleeping on pillows in a very warm room.The January 10th birth date meant .that home fires had to be kept going day and night, never allowed to get below the warm temperature needed by the babies.Many friends, relatives, and strangers sent gifts. It was a frantic household, with everything centering around the babies’ health and welfare.Viny came and stayed and helped greatly. The other grandmother, Mrs. Ostrander, also came and helped.By July the babies were so nearly normal in size and development, everyone was happy about them.That July, Jim’s wife Ella, gave birth to a fourth child, a boy, named Charles, so Viny came over and assisted Ella for a month.When Lydia gave birth in early September to her first child, a daughter named Edna Joy, later called Joy, so Viny then went to help Lydia.So in that year of 1910, Viny became grandmother to 5 children. When the triplets were two years old, diphtheria was more or less epidemic and the one boy named Everett got the disease and passed away. At age five, one of the girls, Lewanda, also passed away with a kidney ailment.The remaining triplet Lydia is living in Plymouth, Michigan with her husband at this writing.In the remaining years of Viny’s life, she became more frail and yet using the best of her strength, she visited at her children’s homes and helped them in every way possible.Ella always worried when Viny came to her house, thinking she would overdo – Ella had five children, and a big garden, lots of work, canning, sewing, and caring for the younger children – with three meals a day for 7 or 8 people. So Viny’s help was appreciated and needed.Frail as she was in her later years, Viny lived to be 86 and then just slipped away one day.She left her three children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren as follows:Lydia Joy married James A. McNabbEdna Joy McNabb married Richard BrownDavid.BrewerJames Joy married Ella BeckholdDorothy Joy married Dale LiscumMarian Jane Liscum married R.C. HarperLois Joy Liscum married William DexterWarren Joy married Ora GoersJames C. Joy married Marian GustafsonCarol Avis Joy married Norman BaloneRuth Joy married Leo DouglasPaul M. Douglas married JudyCharles Joy, not marriedRoy Joy married Marie GoodmanMark Joy married Bertha OstranderLeon Joy, died at one year oldLeona Joy, died at 19 years oldTripletsEverett Joy died at two years oldM. Lewanda Joy died at 5 years old. . Lydia Joy married Burton GreenmanViola – deceasedFred GengEstelle Joy GengComments:We are indeed very fortunate and thank our family member, Lois Dexter, for providingus this early narrative account of Herr family in Michigan, which her mother, Dorothy Joy Liscum (1902 – 1996) wrote based on stories her Grandma Viny Herr told her as a young girl.Some clarification, however, is needed:Parents, Fidelius Herr (1782 – 1862) and second wife Mary Anna Hauser (1793 – 1868) brought children, “Fidele, 21, Marianna, 4, Barbara, 7, Theresa, 18, and Johanna, 21, over from Baden on the good ship General Hamilton which docked in New York Harbor on October 25, 1831.Traveling onto Nankin Township, Michigan, father Fidelius staked the 80 acres family farm out on the Rouge River, near the intersection of Newburgh and Warren Roads in Westland, Michigan.Fidele Jr., Theresa, and Johanna were children by first wife, Maria Anna Schmidt who had passed away in Achern in 1817, and Marianna and Barbara by his second wife, Marianna, who came to America..Another daughter Karoline (1803 – 1876) did not emigrate on the first voyage but later came over with her husband, Anton Wunsch, in 1838 to settle at Plymouth, Michigan and later Ada, Kent County, Michigan.The three younger children, two sons and a daughter, Dorothy talked about were Ignatius (Enos) (1831 – 1912), Joseph (1834 – 1916), and Clarissa (1835 – 1911).They were born later in Nankin Township, never married and lived on the a farm they had acquired apart from the family homestead Fidele Herr Jr. inherited from the parents. .Viny’s parents Fidele Herr Jr. and 18-year old, Joanna Euphemia Wilsey (1826 – 1910) married on January 1, 1844 and they had children:John H. Herr, a cannonaire private in Company G, 1st Michigan Light Artillery who died August 31, 1864 near Kennesaw Mountain GA on Sherman’s march to the sea.Theresa Hannah Herr (1848 – 1935), who married Minot Weed.Marretta C. Herr (1850- 1922) who married Alburtus Barnes, and,Melvina Harriet Herr, or “Viny” as Dorothy called her grandmother, the baby of theHerr family and heroine of this story.

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History of Spectacle Island, 1634 - 1743

Compiled By Ledyard Bill, Edited by Rodger M. WoodThe early history of Spectacle Island in Boston Harbor and my Bill’s Family roots areclosely interwound.The island was first mentioned in Boston town records on the 4th of March, 1634-35, when together with Deer Island, Hog Island, and Long Island, it was granted to the town of Boston for the yearly rent of four shillings for the four islands, or a shilling each island.


Very soon afterwards, the town allotted the island to different inhabitants, who paid a small annual rent, to insure the benefit of the free school.Covered with trees and timber, Boston settlers used the island as a source of firewood.Massachusetts Bay Governor John Winthrop reported a tragedy which occurred thereduring a cold New England winter.“On the 13th of January, 1637 -38, thirty persons of Boston went out on a fair day toSpectacle Island to cut wood, the town being in great need of it. The next night, thewind rose very high to the northeast, with snow, and afterwards at the northwest fortwo days. It was so cold that the harbor was frozen over, except a small channel. Thesethirty adventurers met with bad luck, for twelve of them could get no further homethan the Governor’s Island, seven were carried in the ice in a small skiff through BroadSound to the Brewsters, where they had to stay two days without food and fire, and gethome by the way of Pulling Point, and many of the others, after detention, had theirlimbs frozen, and one of them died.”On the 19th of April, 1649, ten persons “bound themselves and their successors to pay sixpence an acre p’ yeare for their land at Spectacle Iland., forever to y’ use of the schole,Y” soe it may be proprietye to them for euer, and they are to bring in their pay to the townes treasurer the first day of February for eu’r or else there land is forfeit into the townes disposing.”These persons did not pay their rent as promptly as they should, and some of them conveyed their rights to others,History of Spectacle Island, 1634 - 1743A compulsory order was passed at a 1655 town meeting to levy and the constable collect the large arrears due.It was not until the 11th of March, 1666-1667, that the town relinquished all its rights in the island to the planters and made void the agreement about the annual rent of sixpence an acre for the benefit of the school, on condition that the back rent should be paid up in full to that date.About this time, my 8th great grandfather, Thomas Bill, a lighterman or operator of a 17th century barge, began to purchase up the rights of several owners.In the year 1666-67, Josias Cobbam Jr of Boston sold him a piece or parcel on the southerly bend of Spectacle Island, containing three acres, or thereabouts, bounded E by the sea, W by the land of Daniel Turell and of Thomas Bill, N. by the cove, S by the land of Ralph Mason, etc. (Suff. Deeds, 8:315)On the 3rd of March, 1667-8, Daniel Turrell of Boston and his wife Mary for 6 pounds sold Thomas Bill of Boston 2 1/2 acres on the southerly bend of Spectacle Island,(Suff Deeds, 8:217)On the 31st of August, 1678, Ralph Mason and his wife Annie sold Thomas Bill 8 acres (Suff Deeds 9:418)..By these purchases, Thomas Bill had acquired title to full half of the island.On the 25th of January in 1681, he transferred his thirty-five acres to his son, Samuel,my 7th great grandfather, a butcher, who had previously purchased five acres from John Salter and other parts from several other persons.Boston land records showed Samuel Bill bought up all the other interests and by 1681owned the title to the entire island for a total investment of 177 pounds..In 1693, Drake called Spectacle Island, “Samuel Bill’s Island.(Drake’s History, Boston, p 817).In 1681, the island was covered with oak and heavy timber, and was valued for its nearness (4 ½ miles) to market.During the period, 1684 – 1685, Samuel Bill became uneasy about his title to theisland property and obtained a confirmatory title that is reprinted below from“a big Indian.”.History of Spectacle Island, 1634 - 1743“To all Christian People to whom these presents shall come. Josiah, son and Heyer of Josiah otherwise called Wamputuck, late Sachem of the Massachusetts Country in New England sendeth Greetings: -Know ye that I the said Josiah, son of Josiah, for diverse causes and good considerations me thereunto moving and in particular for and in consideration of a valuable consideration of money to me in hand payd before the ensealing of this deed by Samuel Bill of Boston Butcher, Have with knowledge and consent of my wise men and Councellors William Ahoton, Sen, William Ahoton, Jun, and Robert Mamentaug, Given, granted, sold, enfeoffed, and confirmed, and by these presents Do fully freely and absolutely give grant, sell, enfeoffe, convey and confirme unto the sayed Samuel Bill his heyres and Assignes forever one certain Island Scituate in the Massachusett Bay rights priveledges and appurtenances, thereunto in any commonly known and called by the name Spectacle Island in the present possession the same Bill with all wiseappertaining and belonging. To have and to hold the same and every part and parcel thereof unto him the said Samuel Bill his Heyers and Assigns to his and their sole use andbenefit in firm and indefeasible estate of inheritance in fee simple forever – And the said Josiah for himself his heyers Executors Administrators and Successors doth hereby covenant and promise to and with the said Samuel Bill his heyers and Assigns that at the time of ensealing and delivery of these presents that (according to Indian right and title) he is the sole owner and proprietor of the said Island and hath full power and authority to sell and convey the same as abovesayd and the sayd bargained Island with all its priveledges, rights, and appurtenances belonging, will and sufficiently warrant and defend against himself his heyers and successors and against all and every other person whomsoever having, claiming, or pretending to have or claim any Indian right, title, or interest in or to the same or any part or parcel thereof.In witness whereof the said Josiah and his councllors above sayd have hereunto put their hands and seals this thirtieth day of April in the year one thousand six hundred eighty-four.Josiah his mark –o {seal}William hahaton {Seal}Old William A Ahaton {Seal}Robert Mamentong Z {Seal}Signed sealed and delivered in presence of George Meriott and Experience FfisherJosiah, Indian Sachem, and his Councellors acknowledged this to be their Act and Deed, May 1st 1684 before me”William StoughtonSuffolk Deeds 13: 172, 173History of Spectacle Island, 1634 - 1743Samuel Bill remained in full possession of Spectacle Island until his death onAugust 18, 1705, when it was bestowed to his widow Elizabeth for her lifetime andat her death to his son Samuel.While he had a Boston house and garden on Black Horse Lane and was a butcher in Boston, there are indications in his will that Samuel had another house and raised cattle and sheep on Spectacle Island.Samuel Bill’s will is dated August 13, 1705 and was proved September 20, 1705.He gave his wife Elizabeth the use of all his real estate as long as she shall remain his widow, but should she marry, then the use of only one-third part. “To my son Samuel Bill, I give all my island known as Spectacle Island (in the various deeds) and all my stock of cattle upon it, he paying to my son Richard Bill six pounds a year out of the income thereof during his natural life. To Samuel he also gives two negro men. To Richard he gives his house and garden in Black Horse Lane, in Boston, “which was my father’s and also 200 pounds current money, when he finishes his apprenticeship.After the payment of debts, the remainder shall be divided equally between his two sons, Samuel and Richard.The Executors were his son Samuel Bill and William Welstead, to the latter of whom he gave five pounds.The witnesses were Doctor Oliver Noyes, Robert Staples, and John Vallentine. (Suffolk Probate 16:46.)Mrs. Bill remarried but in the course of events she and her new husband died, and the title of the island passed on in full to the son, Samuel Bill, my sixth great grandfather, in accordance with the will of his father.While the Boston fire of 1711 destroyed his Boston residence and he had a house on the island, it is not known whether this Samuel Bill ever moved to the island.We know, however, somebody had to care for the seventy-six sheep, two cows, two negro men, a boat, an old mare, and family hog, together with sundry tools on the island, which Samuel left in his will at death in 1733.History of Spectacle Island, 1634 - 1743Samuel Bill was bothered by financial problems and used Spectacle Island as leverage to make himself solvent again.In 1714 an indenture was made, whereby Samuel Bill, of Boston, victualer, and Sarah, his wife, mortgaged the 60 acres on two heads of all his Spectacle Island for a 200 pound loan at 5 per cent interest to Andrew Fletcher, Addington Davenport, Thomas Hutchinson, John Wood, and Edward Hutchinson,Still hurting financially, on July 30, 1717, Samuel Bill and his wife Sarah, for 100 pounds in bills of credit, conveyed to the Treasurer of the Province, Jeremiah Allen, Esq. a portion of land, being part of the southerly end of Spectacle Island, so called, and is bounded northerly by said Bills land, ten feet to the northward of the cellar wall lately built there, to erect a house for the Province, to entertain the sick, and is on the cleft orbrow of the southerly head or highland of said island forty- four feet wide, and from thence to run on a line about south southwest ninety feet, where it is also forty-four feetwide, and thence to continue the line on the easterly side straight down to the sea and from said ninety feet on the westerly side to widen gradually on a straight line to the sea or salt water, where it is to be sixty feet wide, together with the liberty of landing on the southerly beach point and thence to pass and repass to and from the said granted land.The Province continued to hold this portion of Spectacle Island for the purpose for which it was acquired until about 1735, when the General Court appointed a committee to buy a more suitable place for a hospital on Rainsford Island.Prior to that, on the 18th of March in the year 1729-1730, Samuel Bill sold Spectacle Island, containing by estimation 60 acres, more or less, with the dwelling house, barn, and standing thereon, saving and reserving from this grant and sale, that part of said island which the said Samuel Bill conveyed to Jeremiah Allen, Esquire, Treasurer of the Province, July 30, 1717. to his brother Richard Bill (Suffolk Deeds, 44, 115)February 17, 1738-9, William Foye, Province Treasurer. By virtue of a resolve of the General Court, passed in the session in November, 1736, for 130 pounds, conveys to Richard Bill, of Boston, all the interest of the Province of Massachusetts Bay in and to Spectacle Island, including the buildings where the hospital now is, being the same premises which were conveyed to Jeremiah Allen. Treasurer, by Samuel Bill and Sarah, his wife, both deceased, by their deed of July 30, 1717 (Suffolk Deeds, 57:162)Richard Bill came into full and absolute possession of the island.On the 18th of February, 1742 -3, Richard Bill sold the whole of Spectacle Island to his son-in-law, Joshua Henshaw Jr.Source MaterialHistory of the Bill Family, Ledyard Bill, editor, Alvord Printer,15 Fulton Street. New York, 1867, pages 46, 49 – 54, 105 -113.Bill Family GenealogyJohn Bill (1593 – 1638) - settled in Boston in 1633 with wife Dorothy TuttleThomas Bill (1618 – 1696) - first owner of Spectacle IslandSamuel Bill (1654 – 1705) - second owner of Spectacle IslandSamuel Bill (1683 – 1733) - third owner of Spectacle Island before selling to brotherRichard Bill (1685 – 1757)Samuel Bill (1720 – 1804) Elizabeth Bill + Joshua Henshaw (owner)Samuel Bill (1743 – 1797)Samuel Bill (1777 – 1840)William Bills (1820 – 1900)Sarah Eunice Bills (1857 – 1937)Fred Fidele Herr (1881 – 1943)Helen Sabine Herr (1907 – 1991)Rodger Michael Wood

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Uncategorized RODGER Uncategorized RODGER

Schwarzwaldstr Plague 25


Photo of a plaque in the wall of the front room of the old Herr House at Schwarzwaldstr 25, Oensbach. Marcus Herr bought this house from from his mother in law, Appolonia Zursthorn, mother of his first wife, Elisabeth Schlinder, and husband of deceased Mathaus Schindler in 1732.The plaque may have more significance in the Schlinder family line, I don't know.

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